Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where is my sugar daddy?

Stress seems to find me at odd times. Like today, for instance. Work was fine, just a bunch of totally managable 3 & 4 year olds. No one bit anyone, or hit anyone. I come home, get the mail, find the credit card bill has come today. Open it up.....over budget. $700 over budget. Granted, we did pay for the car tags this month, but still. I'm not sure how it happened. It's not like I'm walking around with a bunch of new clothes or jewels. In fact, I don't remember the last time I actually bought my self something. Unfortunately, the fact remains that I still have Brad's reaction to the amount to look forward too when he gets home. I think I am having actual heart palpatations over this. Why does life have to always, eventually, revolve around money? Lack of, or spending of, or saving of, or wasting of? We are not poor. We are not wealthy. We are one of the millions of middle class I guess. How is it so hard to stay on budget when you don't do anything or go anywhere? I cannot figure it out. I don't like today.

1 comment:

  1. We just met with a new financial guy - kind of like him. Want his number?
